With the continued strategy of investing in training and development, two employees have been enrolled on apprenticeships to gain a diploma in Polymer Processing (L3) and IOSH Working Safely.
Technician Michael and Tool Setter Sam will start their Science Manufacturing Technician (level 3) apprenticeships in February 2024. MGS will be working alongside Solutions4Polymers (S4P) and the College of West Anglia to provide training to the new apprentices.
Neil Garrity, Managing Director, said, “Investing in employees is a priority, and an apprenticeship is the perfect opportunity to apply theory to a practical setting and learn on the job”.
“MGS have used Solutions4Polymers to train other apprentices, and is an important partnership in developing employees”.
MGS Technical Plastics moulds a wide range of polymers, including PEEK, and from 35T to 900T machines. The apprentices’ training will be conducted onsite and using equipment at MGS.
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